Complete the SWOTT Table worksheet health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Complete the SWOTT Table worksheet health and medicine homework help

Complete the SWOTT Table worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Grading Criteria: Simple SWOTT Analysis

8 points possible

Points possible Points earned
Student identifies two examples that are appropriate for each category. 1
Student provides relevant assessment findings for each category. 1
Student describes how each power and politics could be a strength/opportunity or a weakness/threat. 2
Student explains how leadership can facilitate change using the SWOTT information. 2
Student uses relevant sources that offer evidence-based support for the information provided. 2

2 points possible

Points possible Points earned
Matrix is accurate, neat, logical, organized and easily understandable. 2
The references were formatted according to APA guidelines.
Total 10