Comparing Honey-Based Dressings and Negative Pressure Therapy in Chronic Ulcer Wounds: A Literature Review and Database Exploration

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Comparing Honey-Based Dressings and Negative Pressure Therapy in Chronic Ulcer Wounds: A Literature Review and Database Exploration



In patients with chronic ulcer wounds (P) how do honey-based dressings (I) compared with negative pressure therapy (C) decrease healing time (O) over a 6-month period (T)
With any research paper, in order to find relevant information, the writer has to turn to a database for information about the topic that is being discussed. According to Gray and Grove (2021), a database consists of a series of literature compilations turned into computer data that is collected from various disciplines and arranged to be searchable and used for citations in research.

Within these databases, you will find two different types of literature reviews: empirical and theoretical. Theoretical literature reviews models, theories, and conceptual frameworks to support a specific problem (Gray and Grove, 2021). The empirical literature is the knowledge that was gained from the research (Gray and Grove, 2021). According to Bowden (2022), a literature review can be described as “a summary of findings on a certain topic to support the direction of the research and explain the variable being investigated” (p. 97).

For my PICOT questions, I can use EBSCOhost; this database contains multiple other databases within it that can be selected, and when searching my topic of interest, it will search multiple sites at a time from the list I selected. Another database is CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature); this database provides full-text scholarly articles related to nursing and healthcare.

These databases can be used to search for subject-specific content. Nursing and Allied Health is another database that could be used to research my PICOT question. This database contains vast information from the nursing perspective. Google Scholar and PubMed are other databases where I would be able to find articles for my literature review. Health and Medical collection has many full-text scholarly journal articles related to my topic.

I feel as though with the correct search engine and keywords, there are many databases available at my disposal to find articles to conduct a literature review on my topic of interest.
Bowden, V. R. (2022). Types of Reviews — Part 3: Literature Review, Integrative Review,
Scoping Review…part 3. Pediatric Nursing, 48(2), 97–100.
Gray, J., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research:
Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.


The initial discussion was looking into available databases and specific journals where students can get relevant and reliable sources of evidence for their research study. The PICOT question posted by the student was: In patients with chronic ulcer wounds (P), how do honey-based dressings (I) compared with negative pressure therapy(C) decrease healing time (O) over 6 months (T)? The student will conduct this research study using credible and reliable information for it to be valid.

Sources of evidence that will be helpful in the study include peer-reviewed journal articles (Wilkes University, 2022). There are various databases where relevant articles containing the information can be retrieved. The peer-reviewed journal articles are trusted sources of evidence because they have been thoroughly reviewed before publication.

Some of the databases that the student might utilize include Google Scholar, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, PubMed Central, SAGE Journals, and ScienceDirect, among others. Each of the above-named databases is unique and widely recognized. Google Scholar is one of the most widely utilized databases globally (Wilkes University, 2022). It is a multidisciplinary database that provides a collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and other papers.

It provides information in various disciplines such as social sciences, health sciences, humanities, psychology, and others. Cochrane Library provides various types of high-quality evidence information to enhance healthcare decision-making (Wilkes University, 2022). Cochrane Library also offers countless peer-reviewed journal articles. PubMed Central is another popular database focusing on the field of medicine. CINAHL Ultimate provides scholarly articles in nursing that will help conduct the research (Wilkes University, 2022). ScienceDirect and Sage journals are also good sources of information to use when conducting a research study.

Besides the databases, specific journals are available that the student can utilize to conduct the study. The International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (IJMMS) is a reputable one that publishes peer-reviewed articles from various disciplines in healthcare (IJMMS, 2022). The International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (IJNM) is another relevant journal to publish the research findings. Other journals include the Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. It is another relevant open-source journal that can be of help.


IJMMS. (2022). About IJMMS.
Wilkes University. (2022). Nursing – Graduate Nursing Academic Resource Center: Library Resources.