Communications Artifacts

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Communications Artifacts


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Develop communications that are appropriate to audience, purpose, and task


You are a recruit-in-training in Miami-Dade County, Florida, working with the field training officer (FTO) to whom you’ve been assigned. Your first call of the shift is to a fatal car accident on a local highway. You see the information provided in the scenario. After analyzing the scene, your FTO asks you to create written communications while she deals with crowd and traffic control.


Communication Artifacts

Your FTO has asked you to create communications related to the car accident you’ve received information about in this scenario PDF. You are going to submit your communication artifacts in an email. Be sure that your email and attached artifacts address all of the required elements:

  1. Describe the different purposes and types of written reports and external communications within law enforcement. In the body of your email to your FTO, include a 2- to 3-sentence description for each of the following types of communications:
    • Immediate Notification/Communication
    • Press Release
    • Social Media Post
    • Internal Report
  2. Craft clear, objective policing communications without bias as attachments to your email. Include the following communication artifacts with your submission:
    • Immediate Notification/Communication: A 1- to 2-paragraph summary to dispatch. This communication would then be forwarded to emergency medical technicians (EMTs) or fire and rescue workers, the hospital, and the Department of Transportation.
      1. Description of job
      2. Injuries
      3. Notifications to allied professionals
      4. Street closures/traffic control
      5. Hospital injured person is being transferred to
    • Press Release: Bulleted information to send to your public information officer (PIO) for a press release. Names and/or personal information (address, kin, etc.) should not be included.
      1. Detailed summary of incident
        1. Location
        2. Date
        3. Time
        4. Vehicles involved
        5. Description of accident/what occured
      2. Response and hospital transfers
      3. Status of victims
      4. Status of investigation
    • Social Media Post: Social media draft post for your PIO
    • Internal Report: Formal police Motor Vehicle Crash Report Word Document
  3. Within the body of your email to your FTO, choose one artifact and describe how the communication method and style would change if you had a different role in law enforcement. You may choose any other role in the policing and law enforcement field.
  4. Within the body of your email to your FTO, choose one artifact and describe how the communication method and style would change if the audience changed.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit multiple artifacts (listed below).

Email Template

Download and fill out the email template provided in the Supporting Materials section. Include the following in your completed document:

  • A 2- to 3-sentence description for each of the various types of communications (Immediate Notification/Communication, Press Release, Social Media Post, and Internal Report)
  • A description of how the communication method and style would change in relation to one artifact if you had a different role in law enforcement
  • A description of how the communication method and style would change in relation to one artifact if the audience changed

Communications Artifacts

The following are the attachments that would be included with your email. Submit each artifact as an individual file.

  • A 1- to 2-paragraph summary to dispatch (can be audio or written)
  • Bulleted information to send to your PIO for a press release
  • Drafted social media post for your PIO
  • Formal police Motor Vehicle Crash Report

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Document: Project Two Scenario PDF
This scenario informs your project by giving background.

Document: Email Template Word Document
This template will be used to compose the email to your FTO that includes: a 2- to 3-sentence description for each of the various types of communications, a description of how the communication method and style would change in relation to one artifact if you had a different role in law enforcement, and a description of how the communication method and style would change in relation to one artifact if the audience changed.

Document: Motor Vehicle Crash Report Template Word Document
This template will be used to complete the formal police Motor Vehicle Crash Report.

Website: 3 Best Ways of Writing a Press Release
This website provides guidance on writing press releases by explaining what to include and what not to include in a press release.

Document: Motor Vehicle Accident With Fatalities PDF
This is a sample press release for a motor vehicle accident with fatalities. The format of this press release should be considered when outlining the bulleted press release information to send to your PIO.