Communication Ethics

  • Post category:Business
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Communication Ethics

Interpersonal communication affects more than just us, it impacts others. Our interactions have ethical considerations. As learned in our textbook interpersonal communication involves ethical choices (Principle 3).

For your  share in your own words what Interpersonal Communication is and why it’s important to study.

Then share an interpersonal situation that involved an ethical issue. This can be from personal experience, current events, or seen on television. Give a detailed definition of what the ethical issue is (what makes it ethical) and what communication practices or principles were used to address the issues. Looking at the situation what communication principles could be used to create effective communication?

Provide a detailed analysis of the situation incorporating reading and textbook material. For instance, how does the situation relate to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, was dual perspective used, etc.

Your paper should be 350 words (roughly 1.5 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.