CN 4002 Part 2 Written Response to Fact Sheet Sample

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CN 4002 Part 2 Written Response to Fact Sheet Sample


            The nursing practitioner plays a key role in the education and management of various patients presenting at the health care institution. Nursing practitioners have adequate training in assessment, diagnosis, ordering and interpretation of medical results, prescription of medication, and play a key collaborative role in the management of patients (Riordan et al., 2017). This essay aims at expounding on the role of the nurse in advocating for a patient with diabetes, and key ethical considerations to be addressed.

Role of the nurse

The nursing practitioner plays a key role in the provision of care and the promotion of self-care management. The nurse has a vital role to play in offering prevention advice and other lifestyle change and health adoption techniques. The screening, early detection and prevention is another key role played by the nursing team (Drincic et al., 2017). The nurse is also responsible for promoting self-care while also taking part in the assessment of the patient’s nutritional requirements. Urine and blood glucose monitoring as well as the administration of both oral and injectable medication is another key role of the nurse in diabetes management.

Ethical considerations

Nursing practice requires striking a balance when delivering care to the patient. A nursing practitioner must, therefore, take into consideration various ethical considerations in the delivery of care. Some of the key considerations to take into account include autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence (Abbasinia et al., 2020). The nurse must always ensure that they provide the patient with all the necessary information required for the patient to make a well-informed decision concerning his care. The nursing practitioner must also ensure that no harm comes to the patient while also treating every patient equally and fairly (Murgia et al., 2020). The nurse should display the highest form of respect towards every individual and portray dignity in the way he or she offers care and communication.

The nurses’ priority is towards the patient. It is therefore paramount for the nursing practitioner to include the individual’s beliefs, thoughts and suggestions during the administration of care (Koskenvuori, 2020). Any conflicting interests should be well dealt with without interfering with the patient’s care. The nurse also has a key role to play in advocation and protection of the patient’s rights while also ensuring the patient’s safety. The aim of these all is to ensure that the patient receives optimal care guaranteeing positive health outcomes.


In conclusion, the nurse plays a vital role in the management of the patient diagnosed with diabetes. Screening, early detection and management are but some of the roles that fall in the hands of the nurse. The nurse has the obligation to offer the highest standard care to the patient while also providing the patient with all the information concerning his condition to enable him or her make well informed choices concerning his care.


  • Abbasinia, M., Ahmadi, F., & Kazemnejad, A. (2020). Patient advocacy in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 141-151.
  • Drincic, A., Pfeffer, E., Luo, J., & Goldner, W. S. (2017). The effect of diabetes case management and Diabetes Resource Nurse program on readmissions of patients with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology, 8, 29-34.
  • Koskenvuori, J., Numminen, O., & Suhonen, R. (2019). Ethical climate in nursing environment: a scoping review. Nursing Ethics, 26(2), 327-345.
  • Murgia, C., Notarnicola, I., Rocco, G., & Stievano, A. (2020). Spirituality in nursing: a concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 27(5), 1327-1343.
  • Riordan, F., McHugh, S. M., Murphy, K., Barrett, J., & Kearney, P. M. (2017). The role of nurse specialists in the delivery of integrated diabetes care: a cross-sectional survey of diabetes nurse specialist services. BMJ Open, 7(8), e015049.