Clinical decision support systems and evidence based practice

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Clinical decision support systems and evidence based practice

Assignment: Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Just as global positioning systems (GPS) provide drivers with directions, detours, alternative routes, and alerts, clinical decision support (CDS) systems provide health care professionals with guidance for important decisions related to patient care. CDS systems have many capabilities, such as synthesizing patient information, recommending diagnostic tests, presenting alerts for life-threatening conditions, suggesting options for treatment, and offering relevant evidence and best practices. However, like GPSs, CDS systems are not always perfect, and many of their design specifications and functionalities are still evolving. In particular, issues such as alert fatigue and the integration of evidence-based practice (EBP) resources and clinical guidelines are still developing for CDS systems.

  • you identify the established EBP databases and clinical guidelines for your specialization area. Clinical Informatics Educator).
  • Identify the two databases you selected as “gold standards” for EBP within Clinical Informatics Educator). Justify your selections.
  • Identify the two condition-specific clinical guidelines you selected and explain their significance within Clinical Informatics Educator.
  • Explain how the databases and guidelines you identified could be integrated into a CDS system.
  • Describe the type of system you would recommend and justify your recommendation.
  • Identify at least two benefits and at least two challenges of the CDS system you recommended.

You also consider how to integrate these elements into a CDS system specific to your specialization area. Clinical Informatics Educator). In addition, you analyze the benefits and drawbacks of integrating EBP and clinical guidelines within specialized CDS systems.


To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on CDS systems, EBP, and clinical guidelines. Focus on the Hammond, Jaffe, and Kush article, “Healthcare Standards Development: The Value of Nurturing Collaboration” and consider how CDS systems could be used to achieve integration of standards, guidelines, and EBP within your specialization area.
  • Identify at least two databases that can be considered “gold standards” for current research and EBP recommendations within your specialization area.
  • Identify at least two condition-specific clinical guidelines that are applicable to your specialization area. One possible resource for locating clinical guidelines is
  • Consider how the databases and guidelines you identified could be integrated into a CDS system. For example, would you recommend an alert system, a side panel within an electronic health record (EHR) system, a separate computer or device for health care professionals to consult at their discretion, or an alternative system?
  • Reflect on the benefits and disadvantages of the type of CDS system you selected to integrate your EBP databases and clinical guidelines.

To complete: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Write a 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify the two databases you selected as “gold standards” for EBP within Clinical Informatics Educator). Justify your selections.
  • Identify the two condition-specific clinical guidelines you selected and explain their significance within Clinical Informatics Educator.
  • Explain how the databases and guidelines you identified could be integrated into a CDS system.
  • Describe the type of system you would recommend and justify your recommendation.
  • Identify at least two benefits and at least two challenges of the CDS system you recommended.

Cite at least three references using APA style INCLUDE RETRIEVED FROM URL IF IT IS AN ONLINE REFERENCE.

Cite at least three references using APA style INCLUDE RETRIEVED FROM URL IF IT IS AN ONLINE REFERENCE.






(American Psychological Assoc.)


Brokel, J. M. (2009). Infusing Clinical Decision Support Interventions into Electronic Health Records. Urologic Nursing29(5), 345–352. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.or…



Brokel, Jane M.1


Urologic Nursing. Sep/Oct2009, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p345-352. 8p.


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 23, “Translational Research: Generating Evidence for Practice”
  • Chapter 15, “Informatics Tools to Promote Patient Safety and Clinical Outcomes”

Ensuring the safety of patients is the responsibility of everyone within a health care organization. This chapter analyzes the role that technological advancements in information storage and delivery plays in supporting safety practices.


Bredemeyer, J., & Androwich, I. (2012). Transitional research: Generating evidence for practice. In D. McGonigle & K. G. Mastrian (Eds.), Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (pp. 471–485). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.