CJ 205 Project Two Email Template

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

CJ 205 Project Two Email Template


To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.


From: [yourname@mdpd.com]

To: jsanders@mdpd.com

Subject: Motor Vehicle Accident 07 Jan 19


Officer Sanders,


In this email you will find the information requested regarding the motor vehicle accident that occurred on Monday 07 Jan 19.


The following reports/communications and their purposes are included:

[Insert a 2- to 3-sentence description for each of the following types of communications: immediate notification/communication, press release, social media post, internal report.]


If I were in the role of [choose a different role in law enforcement; you are currently a recruit-in-training], this is how the communication method and style would change for [choose one artifact]:

[Describe how the communication method and style would change if you had a different role in law enforcement.]


If the audience would change for [choose one artifact], this is how the communication method and style would change:

[Describe how the communication method and style would change if the audience changed.]


The following communications are attached to this email:


Internal Notification/Communication

[Submit a Microsoft Word or MP4 file with a 1- to 2-paragraph summary to dispatch.]

Press Release

[Submit a Microsoft Word file with bulleted information for the press release.]

Social Media Post

[Submit a Microsoft Word file with the social media post.]

Internal Report

[Attach a completed Motor Vehicle Crash report template with the information regarding the accident filled in.]


Please let me know if any additional information is needed regarding this incident.


Best regards,