City Center Hospital Case Study

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

City Center Hospital Case Study
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University of Arizona Global Campus
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City Center Hospital Case Study
Maintaining a collaborative and productive organization is a challenge for most organizations. As a result, organizations always implement Organizational Development (OD) programs to ensure this intricate balance. According to Burrell (2020), OD interventions are carefully designed actions or interventions that help a team, department, or organization to either achieve a goal or solve a problem. To better understand the applicability of OD, this paper will give a case of City Center Hospital to demonstrate a practical application of a one-day workshop as an OD intervention that can solve an organizational problem.
The Case Study
Center City Hospital is a large outpatient surgery center in a mid-size urban area of Kansas. The hospital is currently facing a morale issue that is of concern to the CEO, Director of Nursing (DON), and the HR manager. The CEO, DON, and the HRM believe the morale of nurses is at an all-time low, and the relationship between doctors, unit managers, and nurses is damaging to the mission of the hospital. The CEO fears that they might lose physicians due to the lack of leadership skills displayed by the unit managers. The unit managers are concerned about the stress level of the nurses and blame the arrogant behavior of the physicians as the cause of stress. To address this issue, The CEO, DON, and the HRM request an OD intervention for all internal managers to help in forging a common focus for team unity. This is designed to be a one-day workshop expected to have the anticipated impacts within the next 12 months.
Organizing the Workshop
Since the workshop is to be organized for managers at the City Center Hospital, prior communication and arrangements must be done first, as Vasyukova (2022) recommends. The first step is to set the goals of the workshop. However, in this case, the CEO, DON, and the HRM have identified the problem and the need to conduct an OD intervention to address them. The assumption is that I have been chosen to organize the workshop and ensure its success.
Informing the Managers about the Managers
I will pick a team of non-managerial staff to assist in organizing the workshop. Official emails will be sent to the managers to inform them about the impending plan to organize a one-day workshop for them to address these issues. The problem at hand and the goal of the workshop will be explicitly communicated. At the end of the email, a question will be asked to the managers to give their preferences and opinions concerning the event, including the venue, a convenient date, and the facilitators. After receiving feedback from the managers, the organizing team will go through the feedback and carefully consider the recommendation and the opinions of the managers to ensure that they are all comfortable during the workshop.
Deciding on the Attendance
After considering the managers’ preferences, the team will pick three facilitators who will help moderate the workshop. These facilitators will be neutral professionals – one from the organization and two from outside. The team will then select a convenient date and venue for the workshop and send official emails to the facilitators to inform them about the workshop and ask if they are willing to participate. From their feedback, adjustments to date and venue can be made, or other facilitators can be identified accordingly in case they decline the request (Vasyukova, 2022). Once all is settled, the managers will be given final communication about the workshop and what may be required of them. Communications will also be made on all the official platforms within the company, including notice boards, the official website, and organization emails to inform all relevant stakeholders about the workshop.
Managers will discuss:
1. The causes of low morale among nurses
2. Why the organizational doctors, unit managers, and nurses have a poor relationship
3. Effective ways to address the situation.
Thereafter, they will build a consensus on the specific actions to be taken
The Workshop
The workshop will be conducted in a different location from the hospital to avoid internal disruptions. It will be organized on a workday by suspending all the managers’ duties to ensure that their weekend programs are not interfered with. It will take normal working hours from 8 am to 5 pm to offer more convenience. A list of main points of discussion and agendas will be preprepared and distributed to the participants during the workshop. They will have three meal breaks – for breakfast at 10 am, lunch at 1 pm, and evening tea at 3 pm. Necessary materials such as papers, pens, projectors, and computers will be provided to the relevant participants.
The facilitators will act as mediators, initiators, and moderators of the discussion. They will allow the managers to discuss the issues and develop solutions from their perspective. Facilitators will note down the points discussed and guide them on the best course of action to take. The workshop will develop a solution to these problems and develop an implementation program for the recommendation. Some of the expected actions that can enhance collaboration, teamwork, and the formation of synergies in a healthcare organization will also be developed. For instance, Saleh et al. (2022) recommend education and training intervention, communication intervention, celebrating collaboration, ensuring accountability, encouraging transparency, changing perspectives, and removal of barriers in organizational culture as some of the options to be explored in ensuring productive collaborations.
Post-Workshop Evaluation
The implementation of the workshop resolutions and recommendations will begin immediately after. Assessments and evaluations of the progress of the recommended changes will be regularly conducted. The assessments will consider quantifiable indicators, such as the amount of money generated, the number of patients attended to per day, readmission rates, mortality rates, patients’ feedback, healthcare professionals’ feedback, rate of turnover, and others (Saunders, Palesy, & Lewis, 2019). These indicators will be assessed on quarterly and annual bases and comparisons done to check if there is any positive change since the workshop was implemented. Little to no change or negative outcome will necessitate adjustments to be made for better findings.
City Center Hospital is likely to benefit from this OD intervention. OD interventions are widely reported to be effective in enhancing organizational productivity. Taking the format of a one-day workshop with the managers will go a long way to unpack the problem from the managers’ perspective and develop long-lasting solutions since they are the primary decision-makers in an organization. The organization should ensure to implement the recommendations from this workshop to remedy the situation. However, an objective evaluation of the recommendation should be done after the workshop to check whether the intended result is being achieved or not. Such moves will inform the necessary adjustments that can improve the outcome.

Burrell, D. N. (2020). Management consulting intervention case study in a complex and toxic hospital organizational culture. HOLISTICA–Journal of Business and Public Administration, 11(2), 100-114.
Saleh, M. M., Saleh, M., Elsabahy, E. H., and Abd, H. (2022). Improvement of communication and collaboration among health care providers through communication education and training intervention. Bioscience Research, 17(3): 2032-2043.
Saunders, C., Palesy, D., & Lewis, J. (2019). Systematic review and conceptual framework for health literacy training in health professions education. Health Professions Education, 5(1), 13-29.
Vasyukova, A. (2022). Design and run an effective workshop – Part 1: Planning. Medium.