CIT 501 Assignment 2: The Interview

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:10 mins read

CIT 501: Assignment 2 The Interview- 750 words minimum
Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14
Due End of Week 3

1. Identify an exemplary Curriculum Leader working in education that you know or know of by
o This person can be a current employee/employer
o Former employee/employer
o Current/former colleague
2. Schedule an interview with this person.
o Please be respectful of busy schedules.
o Explain that this assignment requires that the interview itself should last no less than
45 and no more than 60 minutes.
o Schedule via video conferencing or phone but the interview must be live, not via
3. Create no less than 10 and no more than15 original questions that you have created from
your reading and research to ask this interviewee regarding their direct experience and
perceptions of designing, leading, and implementing curriculur initiatives or programs.
o Design your questions to identify key elements of curriculum design and change
leadership and to elicit in-depth information based on your readings to date.
o It is important to plan your questions in advance, however, you may wish to revise the
order, or some of the questions during the actual interview based on the dialog that
ensures. Offer to send the questions to the interviewee in advance so they can prepare
their answers thoughtfully.
o If the interviewee gives permission, it is useful to record the interview.
o Keep copies of all electronic communication to submit with your final product.
4. Conduct the Interview in a timely and professional manner
5. Reflect  on both the interview experience and the information you received in order to
respond thoughtfully to the guiding questions
6. Write and Submit a synopsis of the interview following the format below and including the
subsections outlined.  Respond thoughtfully and with citations from your text and other
readings to the guiding questions:
✓ Cover Page
✓ Introduction:
o Who did you interview (use only titles with no identifying information)
o Why did you select this interviewee? (credentials, accomplishments,
o Describe the location and circumstances of the interview
o How did you feel about this interview?
✓ Summary:
o What did you learn?
o Include key quotes from the interviewee

CIT 501: Assignment 2 The Interview- 750 words minimum
Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14
Due End of Week 3

o Were the responses congruent with what you anticipated?
o How did this interview influence your perceptions of change leadership?
o Based on the interviewee’s responses, what is this individual’s philosophy of
change management, with reference to the essential topics that serve as weekly topics for our course.
o What did you discover that surprised you?
o What did you discover that confirmed your understanding of change
o What did you discover that changed/impacted your viewpoint of leadership
during times of change?
o Was there anything the interviewee said that concerned you? If so, please

✓ Comparative Analysis:
o How did the interviewee’s beliefs and comments confirm/align with
materials presented in course readings?
▪ Be specific and cite the comparison with information in your text or
supplemental material
o How did the interviewee’s beliefs/comments differ with the materials
presented in the course readings?
▪ Be specific and clear with citations.
✓ Conclusion:
o Summarize what you learned from the interview
o Summarize what you learned from the interview process.
o Conclude your overall perception of Change Management and Leadership
✓ Reference Page
✓ Appendix :
o Include the List of questions used
o Include any correspondence between you and the Interviewee

CIT 501 Assignment 2: The Interview

Whom Did You Interview?

I interviewed a curriculum leader working at a senior school. I chose this interviewee because of his vast experience, reputation, and credentials he beholds. The curriculum leader has a Bachelor’s degree in education and is registered with the teacher registration board. The curriculum leader has exhibited the capacity to model exemplary education, control, and lead and confidently inspire his team members. In addition, he has strong content awareness and thus has the skill to develop teaching curriculums and approaches. The curriculum leader has massive involvement in the school’s co-curricular program. He is reputable for the numerous research he has carried out concerning how students study and how to appraise and enrich the competence of education curriculums.

Location and Circumstances of the Interview

The interview was scheduled to take place on 26/10/2022 at the Smart Lab. The site is ideal for the discussion because it is quiet and free from distractions. The lighting there is perfect and guarantees comfort. The interview was conducted in less than sixty minutes due to the interviewee’s busy schedule. The discussion was live via video conferencing and includes fifteen questions, which were sent in advance for early preparation to achieve thoughtful responses. The interview questions covered direct experience and views on designing, leading, and executing curriculum programs. With the interviewee’s permission, the interview was recorded.

How Did You Feel After The Interview?

I loved the meeting. I relished learning more about curriculum leadership in education. The time was ideally spent. Ultimately, the interview was an accomplishment, as the replies corresponded with what I expected, and the interviewee offered a chance for a second interview if needed.


What Did You Learn?

First, the interviewee’s answers to my questions were consistent with my expectations. The interview influenced my views on change leadership. I learned how to be a competent leader by working with team members to cultivate a shared comprehension of what and why to elucidate the objective of the transformation. I realized that great change leaders focus on individuals and procedures. The interviewee said, “At its basic, change leadership is functioning jointly to create a mutual comprehension of change needed to execute the plan and how to make it materialize perfectly.” Effective leadership is central to a productive curriculum program transformation. In addition, the interviewee gave the three C’s of change leadership, “communicate, collaborate, and commit.” Influential change leaders observe the three C’s.

Based on the interviewee’s replies, the individual’s change management philosophy is rational. The interviewee presents change programs with a perfect appreciation of the problem, a resilient pledge to its tenacity, and a conclusive path for involvement. What surprised me was that about seventy percent of change initiatives flop because managers employ erroneous change management models for their organizations or they become overwhelmed by change management progression.

What I discovered that confirmed my conception of change management is that it is vital to embrace a structure when formulating an organizational change. The change management philosophies and replicas assist in guiding what to adopt in the plan and how to overwhelm joint problems like individuals’ ordinary opposition to transformation. In simple terms, successful organizational transformation needs the correct change management models, tools, and theories.

What I discovered that influenced my viewpoint of leadership during moments of change is the 3 C’s of change management. Influential leaders communicated the objective of change, thus producing sturdier acceptance and earnestness for change. Secondly, they toil across limits and take in workers in policymaking prior, thus solidifying their obligation to change. Lastly, positive leaders are spirited and determined, ready to come out of the cozy precinct. They devote more of their time to change work.

One thing that interviewee said and concerned me is that while official change procedures are perfectly known, too many leaders overlook the all-vital human side of the balance. I thought that change leaders need to engross all individuals convoluted in the change, and again people need time to become accustomed to change, irrespective of how fast the change project is moving.

Comparative Analysis

The interviewee believes that views on leadership play a critical task in the achievement of any leader. People assess leaders based on their observations of the leader’s aptitudes and performance. Real or erroneous views influence how a leader’s performance is observed (Scott, 2020). Besides, how we center our thoughtfulness profoundly affects our opinions. Most importantly, to exhibit change leadership, leaders must be able to converse, team up, and oblige to the transformation (Teczke et al., 2017). Therefore, I find that the interviewee’s views align with and confirm the materials presented in the course readings. The interviewee’s comments majorly endorse the materials presented in the course.

In summary, I relished the interview, and the interviewee’s answers matched my expectations. I have learned that perceptions of leadership are very critical in the attainment of any leader. Additionally, I understood that people assess leaders based on their perceptions of the leader’s skills and performance. Most importantly, erroneous or precise perceptions influence how a leader’s performance is observed. The interview process was good. I loved the interview. The interviewee’s retorts were matching with my outlook. Ultimately, my view of change management and leadership is that an effective leader must be able to converse, cooperate and pledge to the change. Leadership plays a pivotal role in prompting a change in an organization (Scott, 2020). It inspires and encourages workers to admit change to advance and be inventive.




Scott, G. (2020). Change matters: Making a difference in education and training. Routledge.

Teczke, M., Sansyzbayevna Bespayeva, R., & Olzhabayevna Bugubayeva, R. (2017). Approaches and models for change management. Jagiellonian Journal of Management3(3).


Interview Questions

  1. What is the objective of designing a curriculum program?
  2. What approaches can you recommend for effective curriculum implementation?
  3. What could be the problems with a new curriculum? What would be your fears?
  4. What are the impediments to efficient curriculum execution? How do you subdue the hurdles?
  5. What would you do if your boss demanded you alter your way of implementing a project?
  6. Have you ever had to influence your team to admit change?
  7. Tell us about one project that went very well. What was dead-on?
  8. Have you ever had an initiative that botched? How did you respond?
  9. What metrics do you trail to demonstrate the curriculum’s achievement?
  10. What critical shortfalls of existing education, assessing, student commitment, and student performance need to be enhanced?
  11. How do you exhibit change leadership, and why is change vital in leadership?
  12. How does perception impact leadership?
  13. As a leader how does leadership inspire change in an organization?
  14. What traits should a change leader have?
  15. What is your philosophy of change management?






(Your address)



(Address of the curriculum coordinator)

Dear Mr. X

Thank you for accepting to attend the interview. I enjoyed the meeting, and the discussion was quite enjoyable. I learned so much regarding curriculum leadership and change management. I want to agree that your responses correspond with my expectations. Thank you for agreeing to another interview if need be.


