Chapter Two Project Update

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Chapter Two Project Update

Nursing homework help

Read the  comments listed on the right of the article carefully and make sure you highlight in yellow all the new changes you add to the document. The goal for this version is to increase the number of articles using the examples I provided to get you started.


Capstone Project

Submitted to Grantham University

Graduate Faculty of the School of Nursing

in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Nursing

(Nursing Leadership and Management Organization)



December 2022

Chapter 2: Literature Review Comment by Gloria Ohmart: Funmilola, please add minimally 8 articles to chapter 2. I have given you some ideas below.

The project aims to determine the causes of lateral violence (LV) in the workplace and advise strategies to promote peaceful collaboration to ensure quality healthcare services. The literature review will elaborate on healthcare quality enhancement techniques such as evidence-based care, and leadership and management requirements to ensure employee competence. The covered research will emphasize on the data driven techniques and models for improvement of healthcare delivery through responsive management. Comment by Gloria Ohmart: These are key phrases highlighted in blue that you need to seek articles on for chapter 2 You wrote about this in chapter 1. Now is the time to explore them in chapter 2 Specific areas in identifying the causes of this negative trend are yet to be explored and that is something I aim to achieve in this project the potential related factors and their impact on the psychological and professional spheres of lateral workplace violence victims. (Kang. & Lee, 2016) Comment by Gloria Ohmart: Please review the chapter 2 sample. This introduction is still incorrect

Horizontal Violence Comment by Gloria Ohmart: I added this subtopic heading.

It is a devastating phenomenon in the nursing workplace. Also known as ‘horizontal violence’ or ‘workplace bullying,’ LV is disruptive and inappropriate behavior demonstrated in the workplace by one employee to another who is in either an equal or lesser position (Coursey, Rodriguez, Dieckmann, & Austin, 2013. Lateral workplace violence is harmful. It has adverse effects on employees, clients, and the overall organizations they work for. From the literature searches, the most affected nurses are new employees. In contrast, others may experience this violence in the form of being allocated heavy workloads unjustly, being neglected when requesting something, and oppression by use of power. Nursing employees have the right to mitigate such violence by reporting various instances or creating an environment that ensures they are also respected as individuals. Moreover, nurse leaders should mitigate lateral workplace violence by educating workers on the right strategies, creating policies against this lateral violence, and collaborating with employees to ensure fairness, dignity, and respect. By doing so, it will vastly reduce possible future incidents of lateral workplace violence.

Evidence Based practice Comment by Gloria Ohmart: What about EBP?

Healthcare quality spans multiple disciplines. As healthcare quality efforts have evolved in both nursing and the entire healthcare team, variations are noted within and between the disciplinary perspectives. In nursing, quality began with Florence Nightingale. Nightingale, among the first to earn credit for developing a theoretical approach to quality improvement, addressed compromises to nursing and health quality by identifying and working to eliminate factors that hinder reparative processes.

Transtheoretical Model Comment by Gloria Ohmart: Include from chapter 1 and discuss how this model is pertinent to this problem

Donabedian model

Donabedian model is a conceptual model that provides a framework for examining health services and evaluating quality of health care. According to the model, information about quality of care can be drawn from three categories: “structure,” “process,” and “outcomes. (Donabedian, 1988) Structure describes the context in which care is delivered, including hospital buildings, staff, financing, and equipment. Process denotes the transactions between patients and providers throughout the delivery of healthcare.

Every American has a definition or personal view of high-quality health care. For some individuals, such a definition revolves around the ability to go to the provider or hospital of their choice; for others, access to specific types of treatment is paramount (Butts & Rich 2013) Outcomes refer to the effects of healthcare on the health status of patients and populations.

Leadership Strategies

One very common theory that is applicable to leadership is

Transactional Theories

Transactional theories, also referred to as Management theories or exchange leadership theories, revolve around the role of supervision, organization, and teamwork. These leadership theories consider rewards and punishments as the basis for leadership actions. This is one of the often-used theories in business, as well as healthcare settings and the proponents of this leadership style use rewards and punishments to motivate employees. Staff under this leadership style are often encouraged/ motivated to be self-developed and all of these will help to promote a quality health care environment.

Summary Comment by Gloria Ohmart: This will change as you add more content

From the literature review, it is evident that a change of leadership and management approach in the healthcare system can result improved patient outcomes. A transactional leadership model promotes high employee morale which results in improved quality of service delivery. When the employees are recognized through strategic leadership interventions and incentives, their creativity and job satisfaction increase – promoting improved outcomes.

Moreover, the role of data driven healthcare intervention approach is emphasized from the research. Data driven healthcare interventions promote quality and credibility in healthcare as all decisions are guided by past established research outcomes.