Beyond Benchmarking Value Adding Metrics management homework help

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Beyond Benchmarking Value Adding Metrics management homework help

Nursing homework help

Hello, please read the below and reply using 200- 300 words. Thanks!

    1. Download and read the article “Beyond Benchmarking: Value-Adding Metrics” at .
    2. Download and read the article “Using Leading Indicators to Drive Sustainability Performance” at .
    3. Access and read the web article “Composite Indices—HDI and Beyond” via .
    4. Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following:
      1. Leading and Lagging Indicators
        1. Answer the question: Which is more useful, explaining what happened yesterday or predicting what is likely to happen tomorrow?  Explain.
        2. Lagging Indicators: Provide at least two examples of lagging indicators that are or could be used by your current organization, or an organization with which you are familiar.
          1. Identify each lagging indicator and provide the calculation for each.
          2. Explain how each lagging indicator is being used or could be used in the organization.
        3. Leading Indicators: Give at least two examples of leading indicators that are or could be used by your current organization, or an organization with which you are familiar.
          1. Identify each leading indicator and provide the calculation for each.
          2. Explain how each leading indicator is being used or could be used in the organization.
      2. Indexing the Problem:
        1. In Chapter 7, Fitz-enz (2009) writes “there is plenty of data available, some inside and some outside [the organization] that the human resources departments should be monitoring and placing on a futures board” (p. 205).  He then goes on to list four potential areas for identifying indices that may be placed on a futures board: Talent Availability Trends (Acquisition Function), Salary and Benefit Surveys (Support Function), Investments in Training and Education (Development Function), and Workforce Values and Need (Retention Function).
        2. Use that example to complete the following:
          1. Develop an Index: Develop an HR index that is relevant to your selected organization.  The index should consist of both internally and externally obtainable measures that could be tracked individually and then presented as an index on a futures board.
            1. Select one of the four potential areas for identifying indices as presented by Fitz-enz (2009): Talent Availability Trends (Acquisition Function), Salary and Benefit Surveys (Support Function), Investments in Training and Education (Development Function), and Workforce Values and Need (Retention Function).  Optionally, you may select a different area that is particularly relevant to your selected organization.
            2. Based on the above selection, construct an index of your own devising for your organization or an organization with which you are familiar.  Include the name of the index and the composite of specific individual measures that the index tracks.
            3. Identify the internal and external sources for obtaining the specific data used as the measures comprising your index.  Include at least one internally and one externally obtainable measure. Include the name and specific URL address for the direct link to each external measure website.
            4. For example, let’s assume that the company is Home Health Care Advantage which has various locations around the state of Indiana.  The company employs mostly CNAs (which the company can certify through a 6-week training and development program delivered in-house).  The starting pay is just above minimum wage; however, there is some esteem with the healthcare job and great job significance because of the meaningfulness of helping others in need.  In addition to the low pay, the workload can be quite demanding, both physically (such as lifting patients) as well as emotionally (the passing of patients).  Qualified applicants must be at least 21 years of age due to state and industry regulations.  The unemployment rate and economic conditions of each of the various locations around the state of Indiana can impact the potential for talent availability.  This is compounded by the fact that many of the new hires are not CNAs and so they must go through six weeks of training, in addition to the time it takes to recruit and select them and to also provide orientation and onboarding.  Therefore, it is important for Home Health Care Advantage to continually monitor any changes in the internal and external environments that might have impact on the availability of locally available talent pools for hire at their various facilities throughout the state of Indiana.

The identified index for this example would be “CNA Labor Pool Talent Availability” Index.  The potential specific measures to be included are listed below.  Note the clear connection that leads to more naturally identifying what types of measures would be needed to comprise a single index, which are based upon the specific needs of Home Health Care Advantage, as identified in this case.

            1. Number of Qualified Entry-Level Job Applicants by Location: Number of qualified entry-level applications received in the period
            2. U.S. Census Bureau, Quick Facts ~ High School Graduate or Higher, Percent of Persons by Location: 
            3. Indiana Department of Workforce Development ~ Unemployment Rate by Location:  
            4. Percentage Change in U.S. Department of Labor Minimum Wage by Location: 
            5. Leading Economic Index for Indiana: 
  1. Provide a detailed post that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.  Your initial response should be 200-300 words long and include two academic resources that are properly cited.  Post your initial discussion by the end of the fourth day of the workshop.