Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Nursing homework help

Essay word limit: 2000 words

Temple Grandin is one of the prominent advocates of autism. She is diagnosed with autism herself at a young age. In this video presentation, she shares her childhood journey through a children book entitled “The Girl Who Thought in Pictures the Story of Dr Temple Grandin”. This book can be viewed in YouTube link:

Question 1

From the video that tells the story of Grandin, outline the behaviors that characterize autism and discuss reasons why Grandin experience difficulties in communicating with others. (25 marks)

Question 2

Based on the behaviors presented by Grandin, a) Identify the strengths of children like Grandin and determine THREE (3) strategies and support to enable children like Grandin to communicate with others. (25 marks)

b) Create a guidebook for parents to explain THREE (3) strategies which they can practice at home that enable children like Temple Grandin to have better social skills and communicate better with their peers. Provide clear explanation and illustration of how the strategies can be used The guidebook will require referencing from literature and research on the strategies that you have discussed. Marks are also awarded for use of language, creativity, illustration to make the guidebook user friendly and can catered to parents of different levels. (50 marks)