Assume that a radiologist group practice has the following cost structure:

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Assume that a radiologist group practice has the following cost structure:

Assume that a radiologist group practice has the following cost structure: Fixed costs $500,000Variable cost per procedure $25Charge(revenue) per procedure $100Further more, assume that the group expects to perform 7,500 procedures in the coming year.a. Construct the group’s base case projected pro?t and loss statement.b. What is the group’s contribution margin? What is its breakevenpoint?c. What volume is required to provide a pretax pro?t of $100,000? A pretax pro?t of $200,000?d. Sketch out a CVP analysis graph depicting the base case situation.e. Now assume that the practice contracts with one HMO, and the plan proposes a 20 percent discount from charges.Redoquestions a,b,c, and d under these conditionsHealthcare Finance