Assisting the uninsured in obtaining health insurance through the Affordable Care Act ACA health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Assisting the uninsured in obtaining health insurance through the Affordable Care Act ACA health and medicine homework help

Question A

Compare proposed solutions for assisting the uninsured in obtaining health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Respond to your peers’ posts; do you agree with their solutions? Why or why not?

Question B

Ninety percent of Medicare dollars are spent on people in their last year of life. Should we restrict treatment for terminally ill / frail elderly? Discuss and categorize your opinions on this and support your theories with information you have learned thus far, citing references. Respond to your peers’ posts; do you agree with their opinions, why or why not?

Please answer both questions. Must be a minimum of 150 words. Thanks