Annual Objectives and Policies

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Annual Objectives and Policies

Table 6.

Annual Objectives and Policies

The annual objectives and policies proposed consist of identifying opportunities for

acquisition or entering into a new market, creating a project team to capture the opportunity,

and moving into operations management among various time intervals. This proposal

recommends that the project portfolio be evaluated quarterly. Each separate SBU should, for

the most part, have freedom to decipher the projects scope, schedule and budget while a

corporate team also leads initiatives that fall outside of the realm of the traditional SBU

structure. The centralized project coordination office will then have the ability to compare the

proposed net present value (or other chosen metrics) among all projects across the traditional

divisional lines to make sure that the projects with the greatest benefits secure funding and all

projects follow a set of best practices. Centralization of this unit also opens the doors to

creating a knowledge management base that can also be shared across divisional lines. The

key advantages of this method are:

Retain corporate control over acquisitions and projects

Allow the SBUs freedom for creativity while maintaining functional efficiencies

Maintain aggressive profit growth by funding projects with the greatest NPV

It is recommended that the project coordination team be developed to maintain project

management best practices without being overly intrusive to the project’s objectives. Also,

acquisitions must be monitored as well since these will represent a bulk of the company’s

growth strategy. Subsequently, change management practices must be adhered to during such

integrations. Disney must also be cognizant of the corporate culture that is subject to any

acquisition to ensure that integration does not come with insurmountable resistance.

Timeline for Integration of Project Coordination Office

 Year One 

Q1Acquire Top Talent in Project Management and Acquisitions

 Acquire Office Space 

 Begin Teambuilding 

 Q2 

 Allow Team to Assimilate into Disney’s Culture 

 Compile Portfolio of Current Projects 

 Announce Organizational Change 

 Provide Workshops to SBUs about Process Changes 

 Q3 

 Pull the Trigger on New Project System 

 Q4 

 Conduct First Annual Evaluation 

 Reengineer Process (If Necessary) 

 Year Two 

 Q1-Q3 

 Build Knowledge Base 

 Diversify Project Portfolio 

 Spread Project Management Education of Best Practices 

 Q4 

 Conduct Annual Evaluation 

 Reengineer Process (If Necessary) 

 Year Three 

 Q1-Q3 

 Maintain Project Portfolio 

 Q4 

 Conduct Annual Evaluation 

 Reengineer Process (If Necessary) 

Strategy Review and Evaluation

Ultimately, the proposed focus on innovation and acquisition must be subject to

evaluation, and the scorecard for all businesses is written in economic terms. Within the four

primary SBUs, such evaluations are comparatively simple to conduct due to the large amount

of historical performance data available. New projects and acquisitions require more craft in

terms of evaluations but these can be compared with the net benefit analysis produced before

the project’s inception to provide a measure of success.


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Reso, P. (2010). House of mouse to sell homes: Disney hawks multi-million-dollar properties

near Walt Disney World. Retrieved from


sne.html (accessed September 6, 2010).

The Walt Disney Company. (n.d.). Investor relations. Retrieved


Time Warner Corporate. (n.d.). About us. Retrieved from