Agency s treatment programs health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Agency s treatment programs health and medicine homework help

Part 1

Read the following scenario and questions. Write a detailed response explaining the steps that you would use in helping your agency to coordinate client services more effectively.

Scenario:You are in your second year of working as a family prevention specialist for a mental health agency. Most of your time is spent assisting families who have one or both parents enrolled in one of your agency’s treatment programs. The key purpose of your job is to meet families every few weeks in their home to teach them to use effective communication and family management skills. However, lately, you and your coworkers have noticed that the clients need more referrals for substance abuse programs, parenting classes, and welfare services. One family whose members have been your clients for a month now has been unable to work on the prevention program because of their extreme needs.

This week, you realized that the mother, who is the client of your agency, seemed to be despondent, and the father was drunk. Their three children, ages 2, 4, and 6 told you that they were hungry because they had not eaten that day. You are overwhelmed listening to all of this and then you notice that the lights are out. The father explains that they could not pay the electric company that month.

After reading this scenario,assigned readings and reviewing the web resources, provide the following information in your post:

1.Make a list of all of the services that you think your agency can provide to help the family.

2.Then, Provide a list of other services needed and what agencies in your community that you could refer to. Describe the steps that you would take to coordinate these services for the family.

3.Lastly, would you make a child abuse/neglect report because of what you see while at the family’s residence? Support your ideas with a detailed explanation as to why you would or would not make a report