Accepting Sampling engineering homework help

The following guide lines are written by my professor. I only choose the topic.
you are required to write a technical paper as your FINAL RESEARCH PAPER for the Quality Assurance Course.
You will write a 6 – 8-page, double-spaced 12-font publishable paper, based on one key topic in the Quality Assurance Course.
The topic is: Accepting Sampling.
This topic is related to Quality Assurance.
After choosing the Quality Assurance topic, your paper title will be the effective utilization of the chosen topic in a specific application, such as Agriculture, Banking, Construction, Education, Electronics, Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing, Retail, etc.).
A 6 – 8-page, double-spaced 12-font publishable paper with a minimum of 5 references. Please use the following guidelines:
1. The paper should be written using the APA style. It must reflect your understanding of the topic, ideas, opinions, perceptions, and MUST be supported by at least five (5) references,
2. You should use library resources, technical books, and/or authentic web-based resources to support your opinions.
3. The paper is expected to be approximately 6 – 8 pages. Note: The quality, thoroughness, and technical merit of the content will be the main considerations for evaluation.
4. The first page is the index page and must have the Student Name, Course Title, Instructor’s Name, Paper Title, and Date.
5. Pages 2 – 7 will be the main content of the paper.
6. The last page will be for the Reference List. Note that the references must also be cited in-text.
7. You must include at least 3 (three figures and/or tables in the paper. Each figure / table must have an appropriate caption with a brief description. (Each figure caption must be placed below the figure in the format, Figure 1:….. Each table caption must be placed above the table in the format, Table 1:…)
* Use the APA Publication Style. To learn about APA formats please go through the following link:
Evaluation:All the requirements above must be addressed.
Suggested Outline for Final Research Paper Table of Contents
Index………………….……………………………………………………………. Page 1
Abstract / Introduction…………………………………………………………….. Page 2
Main details………………………………………………………………………… Pages 3 – 7
Reference List……………………………………………………………………… Page 8
Examples of captions for figures and tables:
Figure 1: Six Sigma (DMAIC) Flow Chart for Lewis County High School Technology Program (Note: This figure caption must be placed below the figure).
Table 1: Data Set for Lewis County High School Carpentry Certifications (Note: This table caption must be placed above the table).