A Reflective Exploration of Pathophysiology in Healthcare Education

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A Reflective Exploration of Pathophysiology in Healthcare Education


Here is the post for week 12’s reply.


This course required heavy research for the assignments each week to back our discussion posts with up-to-date knowledge. I feel that within nursing, at least for myself, the importance of thinking critically about why we do what we do and what research backs our practice has faded for me. I have found myself often looking into research of different conditions that my patients have to see if what we are providing as an intervention really is the best practice or not. I have been able to advocate for my patients more as a nurse which is something I pride myself on.

A majority of the information I have learned this semester could directly be applied to the patients I encounter on my floor. There were many moments in which I could think deeper into patient conditions from the information we have learned this semester. I work on primarily the cardiac and neurological floors. Understanding more in-depth how the cardiac system works, fluid-base imbalances, and especially the renin-aldosterone system has allowed me to think critically about patient conditions.

Perhaps the greatest tool I have gotten out of the information learned this semester is the ability to provide more in-depth education to my patients about their conditions. I see my patients come into the hospital like a revolving door. The greatest tool I can provide them before they leave is to give them an easily understood explanation of their diagnosis.

As I continue being a nurse or when I become a nurse practitioner I more fully understand the importance of staying up to date with current research. I want to make a change in my patient\’s life. I want to provide them with the tools in order to do so. I see so many providers who do not respect their patients as a person, but look at them just as another part of their job. The best way I can respect my patients is by understanding where the lack of care is in certain populations. Understanding what the current research has to offer for a certain diagnosis can allow me to perform my best. This is something I got out of this semester that I greatly appreciate.

Thank you to everyone who has read my discussion posts and for your replies. They have all been meaningful and insightful. I hope everyone’s journey throughout their time at Wilke’s treats them well.



I like your perspective on the course as posted in your initial discussion. It is indeed true that the course involved serious research to complete the weekly assignments. I feel the same way as you stated that this course provided answers to our questions regarding why we do certain things. After the completion of the weekly assignments, now we can figure out why we give certain medications and why patients experience certain symptoms. The pathophysiology of diseases enhanced my understanding of why patients experience certain symptoms (Brown et al., 2017). The damage caused to the body at the cellular level amounts to the symptoms seen physically or through tests.

The weekly assignments on pathophysiology have enhanced students’ understanding of how diseases affect the immune system, tissues, and body cells. They also provided information regarding how genetics is involved in the cause and severity of some illnesses. In addition, every disease has its unique pathophysiology mechanism (Brown et al., 2017). For instance, the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis is different from that of rhabdomyolysis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

I agree further with the perception that the majority of information gained can be applied directly to a clinical setting. Helping a patient is easy when one knows how the body system works and how the disease affects such parts of the body (Brown et al., 2017). Providing patients with simple and accurate information regarding their health, disease, and treatment is part of patient care. Some patients are inquisitive because they want to understand most of the things done to their bodies.

They may also want to know whether the care provider has adequate knowledge about their condition and treatment and how the two relate. The information learned throughout the semester is useful in such situations. Through the knowledge gained, nurses can educate their patients effectively about how their illnesses cause damage to their bodies and why certain drugs are administered. I can explain to my patients why they experience some things related to their conditions (Brown et al., 2017).

When I do that, they will gain confidence and trust while undergoing treatment. Confidence and trust are necessary for a patient to realize a positive outcome because they also enhance the therapeutic relationship between the patient and the nurse. The main challenge associated with the course, if I may mention it, is expensive research, which I consider a positive challenge because it does not cause any harm.


Brown, S. D., White, R., & Tobin, P. (2017). Keep them breathing: Cystic fibrosis pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of PAs, 30(5), 23-27. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.JAA.0000515540.36581.92