2. What type of training would have assisted Sergeant Rick in his supervision of the officer?

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:5 mins read

2. What type of training would have assisted Sergeant Rick in his supervision of the officer?


· 1. Was Sergeant Rick wrong in referring the correctional officer for discipline? How could he have handled it differently?

· 2. What type of training would have assisted Sergeant Rick in his supervision of the officer?

· 3. Is there such a thing as supervisor burnout? If so, what would you do to address it?

Think like an Administrator

There has been an appeal to more objective and performance-based evaluation of employees within criminal justice organizations since 2000. For criminal justice administrators, the task of employee evaluation is wrought with many challenges, especially the evaluation of a difficult employee. As noted in the Work Perspective in this chapter, consistency and fair applications of policies and procedures are critical to effective employee supervision. How does this play out with a difficult employee?

Take the following example of a correctional employee who works in a jail setting. This is an employee who is indifferent to being a correctional officer, transferred to the jail due to poor performance on the road as a deputy sheriff, has had disciplinary problems in the past, and has stated he dislikes working in the jail. As a jail administrator, this employee can be assessed based on his adherence or nonadherence to basic principles of “direct supervision,” which is how all employees are evaluated in the jail. Direct supervision is based on the premise that the management of jail prisoners is best when there is an active participation of correctional officers within housing units. It is a management style that promotes greater interaction between the officer and prisoners to make the jail safe and secure. This means interacting with prisoners and being present in and around the inmate population during the shift. This also means getting to know the particulars and nuances of prisoners and being proactive with them. Yet, the officer under question is oftentimes observed following none of these principles and practices. In fact, he is most often seen sitting at his control desk with his feet up and having limited or no interactions with prisoners.

· 1. Will there be an impact on officer morale if poor performance of the officer is not corrected?

· 2. How will prisoners react to the officer’s poor performance?

· 3. How will the safety and well-being of staff and prisoners be affected by the officer’s poor performance?

· 4. What immediate steps should be taken by the jail administrator?

· 5. How would progressive discipline be addressed in this case?

· 6. In this example, a distinction is being made between deputy sheriff (“on the road”) and being a correctional officer in the jail. The placement in the jail was a punishment for poor performance on the road. What do you think about this as a practice in jails among sheriffs?

· 7. How does the union and labor agreement affect the decision making in this example?


· 1. Will goal consensus in criminal justice organizations ever be possible? What are the major obstacles and disadvantages to having goal consensus in criminal justice organizations?

· 2. This chapter discusses the importance of structure to the delivery of criminal justice services. Can police organizations or prisons, for example, be less formal and more decentralized in their structures? Why or why not?

· 3. What are some major problems with implementing the ideas of a human service model of employee supervision in criminal justice organizations?

· 4. Given the nature of criminal justice organizations is the traditional model of employee supervision the best possible choice?


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