14 CoNTENTS:Competitive Behavior 366 Using Sourcing as a Strategic Pricing Tool 367
global Pricing: three Policy Alternatives 367 Extension or Ethnocentric Pricing 368 Adaptation or Polycentric Pricing 368 Geocentric Pricing 369
gray Market goods 369 dumping 371 Price Fixing 372 transfer Pricing 373
Tax Regulations and Transfer Prices 374 Sales of Tangible and Intangible Property 374
Countertrade 374 Barter 375 Counterpurchase 376 Offset 376 Compensation Trading 376 Switch Trading 377
Chapter 12 Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution 384 distribution Channels: objectives, terminology, and Structure 385
Consumer Products and Services 386 Industrial Products 390
Establishing Channels and Working with Channel intermediaries 391 global Retailing 394
Types of Retail Operations 395 Trends in Global Retailing 399 Global Retailing Market Expansion Strategies 402
Physical distribution, Supply Chains, and Logistics Management 403
Order Processing 408 Warehousing 408 Inventory Management 408 Transportation 409 Logistics Management: A Brief Case Study 412
Chapter 13 Global Marketing Communications Decisions I: advertising and Public relations 418 global Advertising 419
Global Advertising Content: Standardization versus Adaptation 422
Advertising Agencies: organizations and Brands 425 Selecting an Advertising Agency 427
Creating global Advertising 429 Art Direction and Art Directors 430 Copy and Copywriters 432 Cultural Considerations 432
global Media decisions 435 Global Advertising Expenditures and Media Vehicles 435 Media Decisions 436
Public Relations and Publicity 436 The Growing Role of PR in Global Marketing Communications 441 How PR Practices Differ Around the World 442
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Chapter 14 Global Marketing Communications Decisions II: Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Special forms of Marketing Communication 448 Sales Promotion 449
Sampling 452 Couponing 453 Sales Promotion: Issues and Problems 454
Personal Selling 455 The Strategic/Consultative Selling Model 457 Sales Force Nationality 462
Special Forms of Marketing Communications: direct Marketing, Support Media, Event Sponsorship, and Product Placement 464
Direct Mail 465 Catalogs 466 Infomercials, Teleshopping, and Interactive Television 467 Support Media 469 Sponsorship 471 Product Placement: Motion Pictures, Television Shows, and Public Figures 473
Chapter 15 Global Marketing and the Digital revolution 482 the digital Revolution: A Brief history 483 Convergence 488 Value networks and disruptive technologies 489 global E-Commerce 491 Web Site design and implementation 494 new Products and Services 497
Broadband 497 Cloud Computing 498 Smartphones 500 Mobile Advertising and Mobile Commerce 500 Mobile Music 502 Mobile Gaming 504 Internet Phone Service 504 Digital Books and Electronic Reading Devices 505
Part fIvE Strategy and Leadership in the twenty-first Century 510
Chapter 16 Strategic Elements of Competitive advantage 510 industry Analysis: Forces influencing Competition 511
Threat of New Entrants 511 Threat of Substitute Products 513 Bargaining Power of Buyers 513 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 514 Rivalry Among Competitors 515
Competitive Advantage 516 Generic Strategies for Creating Competitive Advantage 516
Broad Market Strategies: Cost Leadership and Differentiation 516 Narrow Target Strategies: Cost Focus and Focused Differentiation 517
The Flagship Firm: The Business Network with Five Partners 520 Creating Competitive Advantage via Strategic Intent 521
Layers of Advantage 522 Loose Bricks 523 Changing the Rules 523 Collaborating 523