10 Contents:Balance of Payments 80 trade in Merchandise and Services 82

Balance of Payments 80 trade in Merchandise and Services 82
Overview of International Finance 83 Economic Exposure 85 Managing Exchange Rate Exposure 85
Chapter 3 the Global trade Environment 92 the World trade organization and gAtt 93 Preferential trade Agreements 94
Free Trade Area 95 Customs Union 95 Common Market 95 Economic Union 95
north America 98 Latin America: SiCA, Andean Community, Mercosur, and CARiCoM 100
Central American Integration System 100 Andean Community 101 Common Market of the South (Mercosur) 103 Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) 105 Current Trade-Related Issues 106
Asia-Pacific: the Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAn) 106
Marketing Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region 107
Western, Central, and Eastern Europe 109 The European Union (EU) 110 Marketing Issues in the EU 112
the Middle East 114 Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf 115 Marketing Issues in the Middle East 116
Africa 116 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) 116 East African Community 117 Southern African Development Community (SADC) 118 Marketing Issues in Africa 118
Chapter 4 Social and Cultural Environments 124 Society, Culture, and global Consumer Culture 125
Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values 127 Religion 127 Aesthetics 128 Dietary Preferences 130 Language and Communication 132 Marketing’s Impact on Culture 135
high- and Low-Context Cultures 136 hofstede’s Cultural typology 137 the Self-Reference Criterion and Perception 141 diffusion theory 142
The Adoption Process 142 Characteristics of Innovations 143 Adopter Categories 143 Diffusion of Innovations in Pacific Rim Countries 144
Marketing implications of Social and Cultural Environments 145
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Chapter 5 the Political, Legal, and regulatory Environments 152 the Political Environment 153
Nation-States and Sovereignty 154 Political Risk 155 Taxes 157 Seizure of Assets 159
international Law 160 Common Law Versus Civil Law 161 Islamic Law 162
Sidestepping Legal Problems: important Business issues 162 Jurisdiction 162 Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 163 Antitrust 168 Licensing and Trade Secrets 172 Bribery and Corruption: Legal and Ethical Issues 173
Conflict Resolution, dispute Settlement, and Litigation 175 Alternatives to Litigation for Dispute Settlement 176
the Regulatory Environment 177 Regional Economic Organizations: The EU Example 178
Part thrEE approaching Global Markets 188
Chapter 6 Global Information Systems and Market research 188 information technology and Business intelligence for global Marketing 189 Sources of Market information 194 Formal Market Research 196
Step 1: Information Requirement 196 Step 2: Problem Definition 198 Step 3: Choose Unit of Analysis 198 Step 4: Examine Data Availability 198 Step 5: Assess Value of Research 201 Step 6: Research Design 201
Issues in Data Collection 202 Research Methodologies 204 Scale Development 207 Sampling 208
Step 7: Data Analysis 208 Comparative Analysis and Market Estimation by Analogy 212
Step 8: Interpretation and Presentation 213
headquarters’ Control of Market Research 214 the Marketing information System as a Strategic Asset 214
Chapter 7 Segmentation, targeting, and Positioning 220 global Market Segmentation 221
Contrasting Views of Global Segmentation 223 Demographic Segmentation 223
Segmenting Global Markets by Income and Population 224 Age Segmentation 227 Gender Segmentation 228
Psychographic Segmentation 229 Behavior Segmentation 231 Benefit Segmentation 231 Ethnic Segmentation 234
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Assessing Market Potential and Choosing target Markets or Segments 235 Current Segment Size and Growth Potential 235 Potential Competition 237 Feasibility and Compatibility 238 A Framework for Selecting Target Markets 239
Product-Market decisions 241 targeting and target Market Strategy options 242
Standardized Global Marketing 242 Concentrated Global Marketing 243 Differentiated Global Marketing 243
Positioning 243 Attribute or Benefit 244 Quality and Price 244 Use or User 244 Competition 245 Global, Foreign, and Local Consumer Culture Positioning 245
Chapter 8 Importing, Exporting, and Sourcing 254 Export Selling and Export Marketing: A Comparison 255 organizational Export Activities 257 national Policies governing Exports and imports 258
Government Programs That Support Exports 259 Governmental Actions to Discourage Imports and Block Market Access 260
tariff Systems 265 Customs Duties 267 Other Duties and Import Charges 267
Key Export Participants 268 organizing for Exporting in the Manufacturer’s Country 269 organizing for Exporting in the Market Country 270 trade Financing and Methods of Payment 270
Documentary Credit 271 Documentary Collections (Sight or Time Drafts) 271 Cash in Advance 273 Sales on Open Account 273
Additional Export and import issues 273 Sourcing 274
Management Vision 275 Factor Costs and Conditions 276 Customer Needs 277 Logistics 277 Country Infrastructure 277 Political Factors 278 Foreign Exchange Rates 278
Chapter 9 Global Market-Entry Strategies: Licensing, Investment, and Strategic alliances 284 Licensing 286
Special Licensing Arrangements 287
investment 289 Joint Ventures 289 Investment via Equity Stake or Full Ownership 293
global Strategic Partnerships 296 The Nature of Global Strategic Partnerships 297 Success Factors 300
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Alliances with Asian Competitors 300 CFM International, GE, and Snecma: A Success Story 301 Boeing and Japan: A Controversy 301
international Partnerships in developing Countries 302 Cooperative Strategies in Asia 303
Cooperative Strategies in Japan: Keiretsu 303 How Keiretsu Affect American Business: Two Examples 306
Cooperative Strategies in South Korea: Chaebol 307
twenty-First-Century Cooperative Strategies 307 Market Expansion Strategies 308
Part fOur the Global Marketing Mix 314
Chapter 10 Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing 314 Basic Product Concepts 315
Product Types 316 Product Warranties 316 Packaging 316 Labeling 317 Aesthetics 318
Basic Branding Concepts 319 Local Products and Brands 320 International Products and Brands 320 Global Products and Brands 321 Global Brand Development 324
A needs-Based Approach to Product Planning 327 “Country of origin” as Brand Element 329 Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in global Marketing 333
Strategy 1: Product-Communication Extension (Dual Extension) 335 Strategy 2: Product Extension–Communication Adaptation 335 Strategy 3: Product Adaptation–Communication Extension 337 Strategy 4: Product-Communication Adaptation (Dual Adaptation) 338 Strategy 5: Innovation 339 How to Choose a Strategy 340
new Products in global Marketing 340 Identifying New-Product Ideas 340 New-Product Development 342 The International New-Product Department 343 Testing New Products 344
Chapter 11 Pricing Decisions 350 Basic Pricing Concepts 351 global Pricing objectives and Strategies 352
Market Skimming and Financial Objectives 352 Penetration Pricing and Nonfinancial Objectives 353 Companion Products: Captive Pricing, a/k/a “Razors and Blades” Pricing 354 Target Costing 355 Calculating Prices: Cost-Plus Pricing and Export Price Escalation 356
Environmental influences on Pricing decisions 361 Currency Fluctuations 361 Inflationary Environment 364 Government Controls, Subsidies, and Regulations 365